Commodities CFDs

Trade the most popular commodities from around the world including energies and metals.  DNA Markets combines tight pricing and flexible conditions to give you one powerful product.

DNA Markets offers an accessible and flexible way to engage with some of the world's most popular commodities, including energies and metals, all through the MetaTrader 4 and 5 trading platforms.

Commodity markets are often a focus for speculators due to their vulnerability to significant changes in supply and demand.



Commodities Trading

DNA Markets enables the trading of Energy and Soft Commodities, from the MetaTrader 4 and 5 platforms, denominated in US Dollars.

Experience the opportunity to trade some of the most sought-after Energy and Soft Commodities in the world – including natural energy, oil, gold, and silver.

How does Commodities Trading work?

DNA Markets offers trading in commodities such as energy, agriculture, and metal products. These commodities are valued based on supply and demand characteristics, and are traded in futures markets.

Agricultural commodities are influenced by factors like weather, while mining and energy commodities are affected by extraction costs.

Demand for these commodities generally correlates with broader economic cycles and population growth.

Metals and energies can be traded against major currencies, whereas agricultural futures are typically traded as stand-alone contracts.

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